Abortion isn’t your only option. Learn more about the adoption process and how you can make a confident and healthy choice for your pregnancy. We are here to help.
What is Adoption Like?
You will always be a mother, no matter what choice you make. Adoption is a choice of humility and courage. There are options when it comes to adoption. As the expectant mother or birth mom, you can choose who you want to raise your child.
The three types are open, closed, or semi-open adoption. The type of adoption plan you choose depends on the type of contact you want with your child and the adoptive family. The decision is yours.
With open or semi-open adoption, you have much more opportunity to stay close to your child and the adoptive family as you come up with an agreement on visiting and communication. Your child can have the benefit of knowing their biological family and learning about their heritage.
Sometimes, privacy and distance are needed to protect a child. If you wish to remain anonymous, choose a closed adoption. The courts seal the adoption records, and you won’t have further contact.
Making an adoption plan is hard, but it is one of the most loving and selfless steps you can take if it means your child will have a future of hope and opportunity.
Talk More Today
You have time to talk through this pregnancy decision. If you don’t feel ready or capable of parenting, adoption could be a great fit for you. Talk to someone you trust about your concerns and questions.
If you need help understanding all your pregnancy options and want to learn more about adoption, feel free to reach out to us. We are here to support you in your pregnancy journey. You are not alone.